Sunday, June 17, 2012

The full circle of life

Waking this morning, I ventured into Facebook to check in with the world. I saw that someone had posted a video of kittens, a very adorable piece of infancy and new birth at its finest.
However, during my walk to school, I saw a cat lying dead on the sidewalk. The sad fact is, I have no idea how common an occurance this is. To die, to leave this adventure, is one of the scariest things for a human being to encounter face on.
However, what about animals? Are they faced with that same sense of the fleeting nature of life and existence? Do they even have the brain power to consider such an ephemeral existence?
Regardless, I do know that I am not indefinitely for this world. Seeing the youth and then death reminded me of such a truth. It reminded me that I need to truly experience and live my life, not simply allow it to pass me by without attention. Awareness of my fallibility also came about, as I recognized my full potential to both take for granted or fully grasp and immerse myself in life!

I was walking from Rachel's apartment, all the way to Emek R'fai'im to meet a friend, and took a pit stop at a bakery. Jeff had shown it to me previously, and I was excited to try something from this incredible place. However, when I walked in, there was no one there. So I looked around for a little while and another woman came in. She also was looking to buy something (it took me a minute to figure out she wasn't the shopkeeper), but we couldn't see anyone. The strangest thing is that all of the sweets were just out in the shop, easily accessible. I was shocked-an Israeli trusted people to just leave his or her shop unattended?

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