I’ve slept at Jeff, Nicole, and Ted’s apartment more times
than I’ve spent in my own bed. This has nothing to do with not liking Mariel,
or disliking my bed (okay, it has a little to do with that), but more to do
with these three individuals. All three are incredibly caring, warm people.
They have a sharp wit, full of sarcastic remarks but also profound thoughts.
The late night conversations the three of them engage in deeply resonate with
me, pushing my thoughts to higher and better things. I feel elevated around
them, as though I am capable of more things. Every conversation they have,
whether I am participant or observer, I come away with a different view on
life, or at least a new perspective on a traditional topic. No matter the hour,
they are willing to begin a verbal spar, because most likely the opinions are
opposing, but the end result is concurrance. That atmosphere is a hard one to
cultivate and is definitely one I am drawn to. Most likely, I crave
intellectual stimulation, and since I spent so much time searching for it instead
of accepting those around me who would actively aid me in it, I need to
re-learn how to spark it and therefore participate in it. These three
individuals have helped me find a portal for introspection and ideology,
self-respect, representation and conversational prowess that I both didn’t know
I possessed and wasn’t sure I would ever find.
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